Tuesday, September 27, 2011

much better :)

I cleaned up and organizes all my current projects and my sewing area
It feels good to be organized


great site

Trying hard to learn to appliqué the problem is I don't maneuver my fabric very well in my machine... So sewing around the edges looks sloppy :(
I just need to learn to use the machine better :?

Made 2 Onesies .. Instead of sewing around edges I used fray check and attached it with heatbond

Monday, September 26, 2011

my week day plan

strategies to maximize accomplishments

6:30 send older boys off
7:00 help kids get ready
7:20 Kids leave
2:50 Leave For Pick Up

the problem :-/ finishing projects

I feel like I have a to many projects started not enough finished


lots of people and small space equals big storage needs!!

Floating Shelves

Before :(

Before Pictures of House

minimizing chaos

currently we are living in a hellishly chaotic way.. we have great kids but desperate measures are needed to ensure it stays that way!!

time management :/

I've always struggled with this issue!
My current struggle is manage my time while the kids are at school!

I have from 7:30 to 2:45 and it's amazing how those 7 hours fly by!!

In general our lives are not organized

my goal is to simplify and organize out lives

Shared Small Space Privacy

Ideas for creating private spaces

Gifts for babies ;)

a canvas high chair drop cloth

Christmas Gift Sewing

Bag for boys but make in black!!

Kitchen Decorating

I want a shelf like this not sure what would put on top?

Diaper Bag

I have committed to giving my niece a diaper bag as a baby gift..
I am going to attempt to make one but have back-up bag picked out.
The shower is Oct 16 .. oh crap!!!

Possible patterns

This one looks doable

This one looks easy enough ;-)

This one hangs off the stroller I love that

Like this one


Embroideries ribbon 2 use for purchases diaper bag

Decorating Style

clean line lines
feel like home
old with new
modern edge
no clutter


furniture redesign

I want to learn to redo furniture

making furniture

i want to learn to make clean line simple furniture

Artist? Kspace Studio space?

Is a studio necessary

small house large family

maximizing space
designing furniture
creating privacy
repurposing old items

projects to research

Make Wall Paper
Make fabric
Create large pieces of art for the walls

Digital Art

A few digital creations

Business No More

around (enter date) I decided to no longer be in business

Sunday School

Teaching Sunday School 2011-2012

current projects

cheerleading uniform
dinosaur costume
monkeys party
Diaper Bag
window coverings for boys rooms
painting boys room
living room
Ab's room
Monkeys room
Jareds room
Boys room
boys bathroom
Main bath

procrastination task list

health insurance
craft closet
sewing area


Plan Cagen's party
Plan Calebs present
Halloween Costumes
Decorate House

here comes fall

After a long hot summer in Sept 2011 all of my children started public school...

Sept still hotter than hell was busy with adjustments, car troubles, sick kids and a sick me.. We had a big family party with Dales family on the 25th
Dales Bday is the 26th
As the end of Sept approached hints of cooler times to come lightened my mood :)

As we approach October I look forward to crisp fall weather, having more energy and getting many projects done :)

why a blog..

Lots of reasons

Cheerleading Skirt

so every Friday the girl wear their cheer skirts.. Abs wanted a dif one so I decided to make it.. 3 weeks lots of fabric and tries later I am not finished :(

Length of trim to order 24 inches

This skirt has been a night mare!!!

I got stuck on seam finishes and putting the waist in
I've decided to go with a long waist but not to high.. custom fitted to her :)